Monday, July 18, 2005

We go together like shoo-bop showaddy waddy yippity boom de-boom

Today was one of those days in the life of a mum that you love but you hate all at the same time. My son's year 6 leavers' assembly.
I forgot the tissues which was a mistake cos i certainly needed them. I got the camera though...for what use it was!!
What made this more emotional is that I was familiar with almost every child in the year. Some of them my son had been with since Nursery and I have seen them grow from little 3 yr olds to, well, taller than me.
The saddest part of today i fear was the fact that one of the girls lost her mum last year. It was a sudden death and everyone was very shocked about it at the time. She looks so like her mum and i felt so sad that she couldn't be there, she would have been so proud of her.

So ends another era in our lives as my son moves onto the final stretch of his educational career. 3 more days and no more primary school...I think It is going to take some getting used to for me.


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