Thursday, October 27, 2005

That's what I'm talking about!!

2 more DVDs that I have watched in my little Movie fest are Hitch starring Will Smith and Hellraiser : Deader. A little more to my taste, the ROMCOM and Horror genres

Hitch...I have loved Will Smith from right back as far as The Fresh Prince in the Eighties. He has come on leaps and bounds (literally in some parts) since then. My fave movie so far has been I,Robot but Hitch is a bit of a shift from the Action Man to the romantic comedy lead role. I loved it. It really made me laugh in parts and yes I did shed a tear at the happy ending (I always cry at weddings) I could definitely watch again and most probably will....maybe even before the kids return home tomorrow ;-)

Hellraiser...I have been a big Horror fan since I was 13 years Old. My first love being Nightmare on Elm street and the wonderful Wes Craven. Clive Barker is right up there with Wes (and SK of course) in the Horror writing stakes. I have loved all the Hellraiser movies but the first is obviously always the best. I have them all in my collection and have seen the first film umpteen times. Clive Barker is also responsible for the much more blood thirsty Candyman movies.
I don't think that Deader is the best of the series although I may just have to watch again to catch the odd details that I missed first time around. Do we have smelly vision yet? cos I swear I could actually smell it when Amy was in dead Marla's apartment!

It has probably become apparent why I wasn't so impressed with Closer as it definitely isn't really my thing ;-)


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