Want a lift?!
Having managed to get to sleep around 5.30am, my alarm went off at 7.30 and so I crawled (Half asleep and with about 100 bongo drums in my head) to DD's room to get her up. I must have stood there for about 15 minutes just shouting at her but gave up in the end and decided that it wasn't worth it.
I got back into bed and reset my alarm but then just as I was dropping off I remembered that not only haven't I packed for the journey to York but I hadn't even thought about what I was going to wear so subsequently nothing had been washed or ironed. I attempted to jump out of bed but as my head was thumping so hard and my stomach had now joined in the firework party I was stuck to the bed wondering if I should just ring everyone and say I am not coming after all. As I lay there wondering if I was going to be sick or if it would pass, another hour went by. I had felt rough in the past but not like this.
I finally dragged myself to the bathroom to find to my relieve that the sickness had passed. Next was to find an outfit that I could just stuff in my suitcase and not bother ironing (Sorry, I am an embarrassment I know)
Surprisingly after all that I was all packed and ready to go with nearly an hour to spare...Aren't I clever!!!
I arrived in York for about 2.30 and met my lovely friends at the hotel. They were just on the way out for a little shopping trip in the city. Although I was absolutely knackered and could have done with catching a few zzzs I thought I can't come to York then just stay in the hotel room so I decided to go along too.
I don't know if I have already mentioned this (And I hope you don't mind) My very good friend Caroline is struggling with crutches at the moment, so I wasn't expected it to be such a long walk as it was....Actually I don't think she did either.
One of the best things (and there are many more) about York is being able to walk along the city walls. It wasn't until we were up there though that our other friend Carol told us she was afraid of heights. So rather a comical trio...Caroline on her crutch, Carol scared to look downa nd me a bit worse for where walking too close to the edge!!
Walking through the city as it got dark was as magical and romantic as I had imagined. For 4pm on a Sunday afternoon the place was buzzing and It was lovely in the Christmas lights. I know I don't really enjoy shopping but if I lived here I could really get to like it. It was all window shopping for me (Apart from the extra supplies we bought for later when the munchies would attack)
We got back to the Hotel and my vow was soon broken as Caroline poured out the V&C's.
When we arrived at the venue, the queue was already out the door. I waved to other friends who were already there but unfortunately we timed it all wrong as The wicked witch of the South also arrived at the same time.
We didn't have too long to wait in the cold until the inside doors open but it was nice to see Alistair's family and friends milling around.
It felt a bit disappointing as we were going in though....Looking into the hall and the way it was laid out, it felt like we were going into assembly. There was a brilliant brass band playing Christmas Carols but that made me feel even more like a little kid if I am honest...It was a nice touch though and I bet it was something that the Oldies really loved.
The place was already packed and we found seats right on the back row. Luckily I was able to sit with all my friends around me, I would have felt a bit awkward had I been sitting with someone I don't really get on with, less comfortable and less able to let my hair down but all those sat on my row know what a nutcase I am so that was much more comfortable!
Alistair was wandering around the room chatting to people, mingling with the fans and looking fantastic...Hot even!!!

As we sat awaiting the ever-present Uncle Andrew to come on and introduce Al, A rather handsome young man appeared. We find out later that this is Richard Chance, Al's latest collaborator and as far as I can see a young man who could almost be a Mentor/Guru for Mr G.
Finally the evening's entertainment began with lots of smoke and flashy lights and sirens (not all planned!!) ....Before I go on....At this point I was just starting to calm down. I had been feeling quite sick and had the shakes. My stomach had been turning somersaults. I was just getting comfortable though and had finally taken my coat off and settled down for the evening........Al's entrance was a parody of the recent Reality TV show Space Cadets. He came on in a space suit and helmet. As he took off his helmet though to start the show, the sirens kept going. Next thing we were being told that we had to evacuate the building. Apparently the smoke machines had set off the fire alarms and the Fire service were on their way. So, As I had just got comfy, I had to put my coat back on and we all had to march back out the building again. It wouldn't have been so bad but for both Caroline and Corinne who were both on crutches. We didn't just have to go outside though, we had to go all round the building to the fire meeting point. I couldn't fault Alistair though as he was out there chatting to the fans and singing stuff and he still had a smile on his face. It was obvious nothing was going to get him down tonight. The security were great too..they weren't bolshy at all and that makes all the difference in these situations.
Finally, once the room had been cleared we were allowed back in and Al cracked right on with the entertainment.
Right from the start of Secrets inside I could feel a massive grin on my face. He has improved so much since a year ago, when he held a similar gig in Whitby. I never thought he could improve so much more on his voice but it just sounded more lovely than ever. As we were right at the back it was hard to see the expressions on his face and I will wait for the video to see them but there was a new found richness to his voice...A new found confidence too.
I could feel myself swaying away and I have to say that I fought hard to keep the tears at bay too. Not tears of sadness but...Tears of Pride that after all he has been through in the past 2 years...here he is bigger and better and not beaten..in fact it is probably the experiences of that time that have made him stronger and given him more of a will to succeed where others would have given it all up and become a recluse never to be seen or heard of again.
We were treated to another new song...A wonderful quirky song called Get a life. As Al announced it I thought Hmm good title...then as he sung it I thought Hmm quite ironic...It could be almost as if he were sending out a message...especially with lines like "You'll never find your saviour in the bible that they gave ya" or "You won't find a lover on a magazine front cover" I can't wait to hear it again
These gigs wouldn't be the same without the George Formby tributes. "Last Christmas" was immortalised again but Al also threw in a couple more Formby impressions with "Don't cha wish your girlfriend/boyfriend" and "One way ticket to Hell (hull) and back" I really couldn't believe it when he said that it was the last song of the half. It had flown by in such a blur. I wanted him to carry on. I had been disappointed with the Band set at the last gig in April and I just wanted him to carry on with Waggo. It was a new band too which I was nervous about. He had obviously been rehearsing a lot with them but things don't always go to plan on the night (As the earlier events proved)
At half time I went to have a look at the merchandise. There was some new stuff from last time. Mousemats; coasters; new keyrings and little signed keyrings. They were a bit pricey for me though...and I have a little niggle - Griffin, would it be too much for you to get some new pictures done, or even strike a deal with one of the members of a-g.co.uk to use some of theirs? It's not that these pics aren't gorgeous or anything but they are old and to be honest, they don't portray you as you really are, to me anyway. I want to thank my wonderful, wonderful friend Caroline for giving me the money to buy a mousemat. I chose what I feel to be the most gorgeous picture of the lot (I'll scan it in in a minute) just adding here that I di8d scan it but can't get it quite right
After what felt like forever, we reconvened in our seats for the second half. I was starting to warm up now and actually took my coat off. Back on stage came the lovely Mr Chance and Al came out with his newly formed band.
To help my memory along I have stolen the set list from one of Gayle's posts on ag
Hungry for Love, Painkiller, Something Going On, Real World, Oblivion, Girls and Boys, Sex and Love, Everything Changes (which is what we were calling Don't Leave Me This Way). Encore was New York, New York with the bears, BIO and Slade's Merry Christmas Everyone
It seems absolutely forever since I heard Alistair sing Hungry for love or Painkiller. I was embarrassed by the fact I couldn't remember the words to Painkiller. Had it really been that long that I couldn't remember them? Al did a bit of a dance test with the ND girls but unfortunately because of the old fuddy duddies, dancing was not to be allowed as those that refused to get up then couldn't see. This can be the most infuriating things about Al's mixed audience. When you go along and pay to see a band you get up and dance and no one can say otherwise. So we had to make do with wriggling about in our seats. We could have stood at the side but it really wasn't worth it (Plus I didn't want to jeopardise Carol's video by getting my big old frame in the way!!
One of the highlights of the whole night was Something going on. We had heard it already at The Bedford but it was a totally different song with the full on Band. Alistair looked and sounded amazing. He was obviously well into the song and enjoying himself so much with it that he indicated to the band to carry on for longer with it. He has said that his new album will be very anthemic and by the sounds of this he is right. As the song ended he received a standing ovation. The applause and cheering seemed to go on longer than the song had done. At this point was one of my weaker moments when I could have blubbed because the look on his face was wonderful. He was definitely more than pleased with the reaction. Like a little boy who had just been given the keys to the local sweet shop.
My favourite of the new songs (Now known as Everything changes) was also given the band treatment and was also another great joy. There is so much about this song that I love, not least the lyrics which I can connect with in a way.
The Bear
Back in November 2004, Alistair introduced a life size Bear (Guy in costume obviously) to his act along with the great song "Simon Smith and his amazing dancing bear". The bear became a bit of a standing joke and the fans were divided into those that thought it was funny and those that thought it was unnecessary. Al decided to give the bear one last outing and along with a spine tingling rendition of "New York New York" said Goodbye to the bear and his family. I have to say I was so caught up in Alistair's voice that I didn't really take much notice of the Bear antics but it got a lot of applause so it went down well....Well Done Everyone involved in that!!
Well before we knew it, It was all over and we were back at the Hotel...More Vodka as we watched the video over a few times.
You know I love Alistair to bits and although it was touch and go, I really wouldn't want to miss any of these gigs for anything, but there is more to it than just seeing the man perform. I could of had the chance of a lift back straight away but most of the fun is had back at the hotel. I wouldn't miss that for anything either. We chatted and giggled and nibbled on our crisps/nuts/mince pies/chocolate and discussed the evening. Usually I don't sleep as I am buzzing so much and I will keep everyone up with my chattering but as I was still a little knackered from the night before I think it was around 3am when we finally dropped off to sleep......
There....nearly 2 hours to write and about 10 pages long and I still never got to mention when Mr Griffin offered us a lift back
Finally! Worth the wait Jen, a great recount of the night and one I agree with entirely (especially the dancing!). Glad you mentioned Get a Life too, we thought we were the only ones to have spotted the irony and were left feeling slightly uncomfortable by it. But maybe the ones who really should have been made to think weren't the ones who took it in?
See you soon and Happy Christmas. x
Thanks Gayle. I hope that you are feeling better soon, can't be nice to be ill over Christmas.
As far as Get a life is concerned I don't think the likes of you and I have need to feel uncomfortable. I do find it interesting that there has been no closer analysis of the song elsewhere though.
Merry Christmas!!
oh and what a perfect example of having a life that is.
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