Where does that leave it?
Well as there seems to be no action over on DA

With 4 days left to Christmas, As usual I am running around like a blue arsed fly with last minute stuff. The kids break up at lunchtime today so I need to be back here for 2pm with everything done so I can have a well-earned lie-in tomorrow.
PS Don't worry Caroline the big weekend report entry will be here soon...maybe after Lost tonite...It will be a 4 pager though so you will need a good stiff drink and a few supplies before you settle down to read....
I'm off work sick and waiting impatiently too Jen. You bloggers like to keep us waiting don't you?!
(thanks for the inhaler btw, much appreciated x)
Always leave them wanting more, that's the secret... ;)
Like I said the other night, I'm also waiting! ;-)
Hasn't Lost finished Yet????
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