Null - Zwei In das Engerland!!!
I could just leave it at that I guess LOL

The whole day seemed to go soooo quickly. I had plans to do a load of housework and like every other day this month, I had planned to clean my filthy windows. Since this summer spell started i noticed that you can hardly see out of them these days they are so dirty. I sort of have issues with taken stepladders outside onto the street to do them though.
So I managed to clean the bathroom and wash up in the kitchen but by the time I got the hoover out, I was knackered so I thought the dusty shelves and the dirty windows could wait a couple of more days (OK well, everyone knows I am no domestic Goddess)
I did wonder why I invited everyone round here to watch the game as we were packed into my front room and there was never going to be enough space for everyone to sit down. I sat on the computer chair and craned my neck to see all the action...I do feel sorry for DD's friend though who must have been scared half to death of us lot..It was the first time she had ever been round to the house and indeed the first time she had met any of us and even I get scared sometimes...
When the first goal went in I think we were nearly asleep so there was lots of jumping about and cheering, Someone said they saw Lager spraying across the room.

So after a crappy boring game we went in with all 3 points after the 2 Liverpool boys scored

I just thought. 1-0 in the first game, 2-0 in the second game...what Odds would I get for 3-0 against Sweden? One for Rob I think!
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