Tuesday, October 04, 2005

How things change

I remember my first job interview.....1st April 1987. I bought a new outfit and new shoes. Got up at the crack of dawn to do my hair and make-up and got there about half an hour early. We all sat in this little room...silent and hardly looking at each other, waiting for our name to be called. When I did get in there, It was all I could do to say my name, my mouth was so dry. I had worked out lots of clever answers in my head but once in there, my mind went completely blank. It is a wonder I even got the job as I must have sounded a right idiot.

Today I went to my first job interview for 6 years as I have been staying at home. Of course, you might realise that as this is me, it wasn't all plain sailing. I got up and sent the kids off to school and then jumped in the tub for a quick bath (It's days like today I really wish I had a shower) I must have been so busy daydreaming that by the time I got out of the bath I only had 40 minutes to dry my hair, have breakfast, get ready and get into town. I burnt my tongue on my coffee, burnt my finger on the straighteners, I was sweating so much from the heat of the straighteners that my make-up was sliding off as I was trying hard to apply it and then the worst thing to happen I poked myself in the eye while I was trying to put my mascara on.
You have to know that I also attempted to wear high heels today too so it wasn't going to be a speedy walk into town.

Is it just me, or is it everyone that no matter how tight you are for time, everything seems to take twice the time?? The walk into town should take me 20 minutes but I just didn't seem to be getting anywhere.....My feet were killing already and of course the eye that I poked with the mascara wand was weeping. It must have looked like I was crying.

I arrived a few minutes late but not as late as some.
There were 15 of us in a room (Why was I the only one who seemed to have made an effort? I should have worn my trainers..At least my feet wouldn't still be throbbing now) and we started by being paired up to find out 10 things about each other. After we had done that exercise and read out are newly learned facts, we were split into groups of 3. We were sent to a table where there was a huge piece of paper, some old magazines and a picture of a fantasy couple. We had to make up names and lives for the couple and cut out pictures and stick them on the paper (This is an interview for a department store)
I would have embraced this task only the other 2 people I was grouped with weren't so enthusiastic. The man in the group didn't like any of my ideas...So I just cut out anything and let him do whatever he wanted....The other 2 groups were a lot more creative and imaginative.

Finally it was time for the actual one-to-one interview. The bloke that interviewed me was very nice. He had remembered the facts from the first task and was actually interested in me and what I had to say. I did find that on this occasion I found it hard to shut up. When you know someone is actually interested in what you have to say then you are much more comfortable about talking.

So now just got to wait and see what happens. It won't be the end of the world if I don't get it as I would like to get a few more interviews under my belt and see what else is out there for me :)


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