Monday, April 24, 2006

Missing you already...

This morning I picked up my phone to send a text and it was out of power. Usually I have a battery on charge so that I am never left without power but because of going away, I just forgot. So I went to put the phone on charge and the charger just fell apart in my hands. EEEK!!!! Now what do I do?
I broke my own charger last week, this is the one from DD's old phone so now I have broken 2 chargers and I am left with NO PHONE!!!!

Well luckily I have just managed to purchase of a new charger from eBay and I am going to borrow Debz' old phone until i get that. The good thing about that is her phone does MP3 tones which mine doesn't so I can chop up a JK and Joel clip and make a ringtone out of that. Of course I will also have to have an Alistair tone too, maybe............Everything changes :-)


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