Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Burn baby burn

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Every year I assure myself that I don't need sun cream yet every year I end up in agony.
Last year I went to Rhyl to see James Fox in a summer festival and came home burned all down one side of my body.

On Sunday, I went out with the family to the annual Co -op Fun day at my local park. For years we have been going to it. For the first 5 years or so I would be up at the crack of dawn on the Sunday morning to help fetch and carry and set up the Gazeebo. Since the kids left infants though and I have drifted away from the school I have been able to go down there and relax and have fun with the kids.

There was lots of rides and stalls for DNephew to spend his mum and dad's money. He dragged DS on the fun house and on the bouncy slide and on some other ride. DNeice was very happily sleeping in her buggy for most of the afternoon but when she woke she was over the moon with the new cuddlies that Ange and Debz had won for her.

There was also an arena where lots of activities took place.
There was the Stannage family. Young Aaron Stannage who is only 10 years old jumped his motorbike over a ramp and then over his mother. His dad Mark Stannage then set himself alight before jumping from a great height.
Then there was Bob Hogg and his sheepdog that likes to round up ducks and DNeice's favourite which was the Battling Cumberland Giants. She was clapping and cheering along (Until some very rude people came and stood in front of her.

We left eventually as it was just too hot and everyone's leg/feet were aching.

So I got home to find that I have burnt my arms and my forehead and nose and worst of all the top of my head which makes it very painful for brushing my hair.

It was a great day out though and I love spending so much time with my family...It should be like that more often!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your not the only one. i came home with burnt arms and face, and i had my suncream with me lol.
Thank god for aftersun!!!!!

25/7/06 8:01 PM  

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