Saturday, July 22, 2006

School's out for Summer

Friday the kids broke up from school for the 6 weeks holidays.
It has been fantastic weather over the last few weeks but today the storms came.
I had arranged to go see DN in his last swimming session as I always wondered what they did in play lessons. (besides, Ange still had my phone and I wanted it back)
It was as hot and humid as it has been which made walking to town really hard.
After swimming, we went and stood in the foyer of the sports centre and that is when the heavens opened. There was crashes of thunder and the lightening lit up the sky. We weren't going anywhere...
We waited for about 20 minutes but the storms weren't letting up. We all decided to just brave it and go. So we got drenched just walking to the top of town - You can imagine that by the time we arrived back home we were absolutely soaked to the skin.

The storms lasted about 2 hours and now it is just as hot and sticky as it was before the storms.
Good news is at least the children will have some great weather for at least a small part of the summer.


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