Guard the boat, mind the tide... don't touch my dirt
I promised myself that once i got some money this month I would treat the kids and take them to the pictures as a reward for what an excellent year they have had. I also promised that I would not be tight and I would push the boat out and buy actual Cinema popcorn (Without having a mental breakdown when I saw the price of it)
It was a bit hard to get organised as DS had an opticians appointment at 4.20 and I knew that if he had to have new glasses then we might not make it. I also had to negotiate getting DD home before 6 without giving the surprise away.
DS did have to have new glasses but they wouldn't be ready in the usual 1 hour so luckily we were out of there by 5pm. When I got home I rang DD and told her she had to come home.
We got to the cinema in time for the 7pm showing of...Yes you guessed it...Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.

It took me a whole year to watch the first film as we had watched half of it at Shona's house when we stayed there in 2004 for MML but we didn't get to watch the rest of it until much later when I was able to borrow it from a friend. So this time I decided we were going to watch the entire film altogether.
Before you ask, YES I did nearly have a coronary when I found that 1 bag of regular Popcorn is £3.55!!!! I had promised though so I gritted my teeth as I passed the cash over to the cashier. A whole McDonalds Value meal costs less than that, No wonder people prefer to take their own treats to the cinema these days.
The movie was fantastic. I thought it was a lot funnier than the first. Johnny Depp has to one of the greatest actors of today. I absolutely love Captain Jack Sparrow! You do forget that it is even Johnny under there.
Of course, after we see a movie I always ask the obligatory question of which is your favourite scene and we were unanimous on our answer this time. It had to be the Water wheel scene - in fact the whole of that sequence with the chest and the heart.
Pintel: [watching Norrington, Will and Jack fight whilst Elizabeth is screaming] How'd this go all screwy?
Ragetti: Well, each man wants the chest for hisself, don't 'e? Mr Norrington, I think, is trying to regain a bit of honor. Old Jack's looking to trade it, save his own skin. And Turner there-I think 'e's trying to settle some unresolved business twix him and his twice-cursed Pirate father.
I also loved the swinging cage scene too.
I couldn't believe it when the credits rolled though and DD said it was 9.45pm I knew the movie was a bit longer but I didn't realise it was that long. We stayed through the credits though because on Radio 1 entertainment news they had said there is a scene at the end so we waited and waited and those of you did the same will know what we were rewarded with for staying. The people sitting behind us had heard me say about the scene at the end and so they stayed too but weren't too happy LOL!
When we got out of the cinema it was getting dark but it was still so warm. We decided that we would walk back home and get some food from a local take-away.
It was well after 11pm when the kids finally got to bed but it was well worth it.
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