Monday, July 03, 2006

Hot! Hot and even hotter

Saturday was the school Summer fair. It was very hot and there was the England game to look forward to but I wanted to go up and support DS as he was performing in a little drama display. He also had some artwork displayed that I wanted to go and see.

I got up there a little later than planned as I had gone to draw some cash out the ATM and there was none there. Iwasn't happy so I came home again to find out why.

I was a little disappointed with the fair as last year they had a huge field full of stalls and events but this year there was hardly anything.
It had been Enterprise week at school and there were lots of projects that the children had made themselves with a little competition to see which group can make the most money.

There was a book stall; a stall selling little handmade bugs; a cake and biscuit stall; A basketball game; a jewelry stall; a couple of tombolas and a barbeque.

I stayed to watch DS in his little play but It was so hot I just couldn't cope with it anymore plus the added fact that it isn't fun just wandering around on your own with no money and being eaten alive by midges.

I took a slow walk home in time for kick-off


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