I'll be OK

Had an exceedingly amazing night last night.
Last week my sister asked me if DS & DD like McFly. She had won a quiz at work for the Jeans for Genes day and the top prize was 2 tickets to see McFly in concert at the Nottingham Ice Arena.
So last night my other sister and I took them off on the train to Notts. I had butterflies and was feeling excited all day....It was almost as if I was going to the concert myself, I think I was even more excited than they were....Actually it probably wasn't excitement at all. This would be their first pop concert without me. I have taken them to see Alistair a couple of times and we went to Nottingham arena in 2003 for Xmas Xcess which was a big concert with about 12 different top artists (Singing to backing tracks mostly. So I was probably nervous about taking them and leaving them for the 3 hours.
By the time we got into Notts it was throwing it down (what was the point in standing in front of the mirror for all that time straightening my hair???) We got to the Arena and went to fetch the tickets. The time said starting at 7.30 but it was nearly that and the place was buzzing. We stood and watched as they went off through the barrier on their own...I wanted to go with them...It so wasn't fair.
After we had left them, we found a nice little pub not far from the Arena. I was absolutely starving so I was hoping we could get some chips or a burger or something. It was Curry night on a Wednesday so Curry it was then.
Chicken Curry and Rice plus a pint of Carling. Not bad for £3.95.
The Curry was so hot! I could have done with a pint of water not Lager. It was very nice but unlike our other sister with her asbestos mouth, we are not so good with really spicy foods. We got through it though and lived to tell the tale.
At 10pm I decided we should go back round so that we could be there when the kids came out. I didn't want them to get worried if they had to wait and Iwanted to make sure that we didn't miss each other. We got into the Arena foyer and the concert was still in full swing. There was lots of activity...I couldn't believe why kids would want to be hanging around outside when the boys were still playing....We managed to get quite a lot of glimpses of the big screen through the double doors as people were coming in and out and we could hear everything perfectly. We were stood there for half and hour and got to enjoy the whole of the encore. I wanted to be in there...did I say that? This was torture having to stand outside those doors.......
When it finally ended, we were a bit worried as there was some kind of firework display and all we could see through the big doors was fire.......All the magic of the Big screen it seems.....
All the kids (And they were mostly kids in there) came flooding out and we didn't have a long wait till we spotted DD & DS.
They had had a great time. They really enjoyed it and I was so pleased...Of course their ears were ringing so it wasn't easy getting any conversation out of them....They were buzzing though as we walked - In the pouring rain - back to the train station. On the road outside there was a bloke selling posters for £1 so I bought them 1 each...you always have to have something to commemorate your first big gig!!!
We got back home about midnight and straight to bed!!!
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