Party time

Today was the first Birthday party of my gorgeous little niece. It will be her actual birthday on Monday (Halloween)
My sister's best friend from school(call her Z) was there along with her hubby, Daughter and nephew. Also her sister (call her T) came along with her son and daughter. My sister and T used to share a house years ago but it all went pear shaped and they haven't been on the best of terms for the past few years so I think a few bridges were being built. T's little girl although almost 2 years old still isn't walking...She gets around everywhere on her backside. I am wondering if there is an element of mental disability. She was very ill when she was born and it was touch and go at one point whether she would live at all. It does seem odd though to me that her mum isn't concerned about her abilities. I was very thrilled though that after about half an hour of them being there, she got down off the sofa and took about four steps to my out-stretched arms. She grabbed hold of my thumbs and stayed with me for about an hour. Sometimes she would just stand there, sometimes she would stretch a leg out to try and kick the balloon and we even played swinging about for a while. She was lovely. She has the cutest face you could ever see and the most gorgeous eyes. As my sister says, she doesn't have to smile at you for her eyes to twinkle she just has that glint in her eye the whole time. She wasn't very happy when I had my niece sit on my knee but I managed to play with both of them for a while.
My niece was having a ball. She wasn't very well and had been quite miserable to start with but when she realised everyone was giving her so much attention (and presents) she was milking it for all it's worth. Later on when all the other children had gone she was in her element.
Once all the other kiddies had gone home, it was adult time and the booze was out in force. I had been so pre-occupied with the kids being away that I had totally forgotten to buy any alcohol. I wasn't bothered though as I am not a big drinker...People kept offering me some of their drink but I wasn't feeling it to be honest. I could enjoy a party perfectly well without getting drunk although no one could understand that...I was happy enough.
By around midnight I was Yawning for England. Then I realised I had forgotten to bring taxi fair with me so my sister had to lend me some money. We got back here about 12.30 I think although now the clocks have just gone back so I am already confused
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