Sunday, April 02, 2006

Random Flashbacks

You know when you've had one of those nights and the next morning you can't remember anything??

Today I have just been getting random flashbacks of last night, some at the most weirdest times...

I think that the Arctic Monkeys were playing when everyone was leaving as I have a memory of people in coats and chuckling to myself that Red light indicates doors are secured was on the stereo.

I remember a conversation about Aliens with Zoe's hubby but can't remember the outcome of the discussion.

Oh another conversation with Zoe's hubby...Yes I really did name my son after that wrestler and no it wasn't me that loved the Sexy boy ;-) (we have had that conversation before)

Curiously I found a rubiks cube on the piano - A completed rubiks cube. Now I know that it wasn't completed at the beginning of the night but I don't recall it being done...I guess that B-I-L did it.

I'll add more randome flashbacks as I get them.

Oh yeah, I concede, Davey Boy Smith did die a few years ago...How did I forget that?
Davey Boy Smith - The British Bulldog


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your right jen it was rob that did the rubiks cube, about 10 times lol

3/4/06 7:01 PM  

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