Premonition or Coincidence?
My body clock is pretty messed up at the moment. I am going to bed really late (As you see by the timestamp on this entry) and so getting up really late too.
Thursday morning I went to bed after early breakfast with JK and Joel and dozed off during Moyles.
Now I have to tell you I have a friend called Brian who I have known for 20 years but I haven't seen him for quite a while and haven't seen him for even longer...
In my dream I was with JK & Joel and we were going to stay with Brian. He lived in a house that was situated within a school. Several things jump out at me at this point.
1) Why am I dreaming about Brian
2) Why has it taken this long to dream about JK & Joel
3) Why is Brian living in a school?
Anyway. We were shown to our rooms and then I heard singing and noticed that Joel was running round the halls naked in just a small towel ( As in that Lynx ad) There was lots of screaming from distraught teachers. JK (Who was looking exceptionally HOT in this particular dream) had to restrain Joel and as Brian called us together to explain why we were there, Joel was having a great time flexing his pecks and showing off his (Apparently) new found buff physique.
Unfortunately this is where I was woken by some silly bint at the door who didn't even know where her friend lived and when I went back to bed to continue the dream sadly it wasn't to be.
I did however manage to conjure up the last image from the dream in my head and managed to hold it there for most of the day.
Now for the spooky part...I found my phone in my bag with no power so switched the battery over and when I turned it on there was a text from Brian...OUT OF THE BLUE!!!
So what happened? was it just coincidence that I should dream about him then he texts me? Was is a spooky premonition that I was going to hear from him? You Decide!!!
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