Sunday, August 13, 2006

Gotta have a dream

I have been having some weird ones lately.

The other night I had 2 very vivid dreams. The first dream was very deep and dark and I woke up crying my eyes out. I can't remember the dreams actually involving anyone I know.
I was trying hard to stop my 2 best friends (In the dream) from splitting up. There was lots of fighting and throwing of stuff and in the end they stayed together but dumped me. I lost my home and had to move into a smelly hostel. I had loads of bags of stuff and I remember lots of shoes. They were all men's shoes and they were all the left shoe!
In the hostel there was only 1 toilet and it was right in the front of the building. There was a door on it but it didn't work so when you were in the toilet all the weirdos would come and keep opening the door. As I said I woke up crying and then just couldn't stop crying for about half an hour.

I got back off to sleep eventually and the second dream I was a detective or an FBI agent of some kind. We were doing a stake out of a book store and had planted some secret papers to watch who came to search for them. As we watched I could sense that Alistair was near me watching me. When the criminal came and took the papers, it turned out to be Vicki Griffin. She was arrested and I realised that Alistair must have been there as a distraction for me...proving that he still can be I suppose.

Last night another dream. This was also very intense and seemed to be really long and drawn out.
I was part of a theatre company. I think I was part of the backstage crew. In the middle of a performance, the ceiling came through and the whole lighting rig came crashing down as well as all the water pipes. I remember that all the girls were dressed as can-can girls.
It is all a bit of a mash-up in my head now. I kept locking myself in the bathroom and there were these workshops going on in the dining area. There was also this bit where I was nearly car-jacked but when the thieves realised I was from the workshop they backed off (Surprisingly as I don't drive in real life)

I don't understand what any of this means. How does our brain make up all these people to put in our dreams? I never seem to dream much of people I actually know and when I do, it is random people I probably haven't seen for ages or only even met once.

I know the kinds of dreams I would like to be having but they just ain't happenin' at the moment...


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