Thinking about Alistair

It should come as no big surprise that most of today has been spent thinking about Alistair. That's not to say I have just been sitting here drooling...OH NO!!! Actually a great deal of the time I was down on my hands and knees - scrubbing the kitchen floor..However it is a lot easier to get on with household chores when you have this in your head, and this in your ears....SIGH...... I was very pleased with myself when I had done. I can't believe I had let it get so black, I should be ashamed of myself, AND I AM, but now it is lovely and shiny and I may just hold off Kim and Aggie for a few more months.
Now back to Alistair....I know I was very miserable at not seeing him Saturday. Those that were able to go were very privileged indeed, chances like that don't come around too often. The next time I am able to see him in the flesh you can bet that all the usual stalker element will be back in force and there will be no chance of getting near him. It must be over a year since I was last able to even say hello to Alistair..I know it isn't what everyone expects when they go to see there favorite singer perform but sometimes it is just nice to be able to say "Hey, you were great tonight well done!"
I sat here for a while today, just watching the video footage and crying. Sounds a bit stupid I know but if you go along to you will see that it is a major pass-time for us Alfans. It really doesn't matter whether he is singing at a small gathering in front of friends and neighbours or in a huge theatre in front of all his fans, his voice is always as captivating and emotional and heart-wrenching as it could be. He seems to put no effort in but still comes up with the goods time and time again...This is when the frustration gets you. Someone as talented as Alistair Griffin can't seem to get a break whereas if you look in the charts you can count more or less 95% of the top 20 charts have little or no talent at all. What is it that they do? Why can they be as successful like that? Well it is a question that we can never really find the answer to. We can only hope that somewhere in Al's future lies the success that he deserves. All I know is that no one ever in my life has ever made me want to cry so much just by hearing them sing (well except Simon Webb actually but that is just too painful...It really hurts my ears)
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