Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ban them all!!

I really hate this time of year!!
I lay in my bed last night at nearly 3am and could still hear fireworks all around me. I have no Idea how the children managed to get to sleep because I lay there for ages and have no idea how long it went on for.
I think yesterday was probably celebrating Diwali...The fireworks started about 3pm. Of course today in some areas is the start of Eid so no doubt we will have them going off all over the place for the rest of the week....Then of course it is the 5th of November on Saturday so they will be going on all night long but bonfire parties will most likely go on into next week.

I am not a party pooper but I am sure there is a law that no fireworks are to be let off after 11pm. When I was growing up fireworks were just sold the week before Bonfire night. There would be a few parties around the 5th or at the weekend but not like it is now. Not to mention the idiots that buy them just to throw at each other. There are laws about not selling fireworks to under 18s but it is still not enforced....or else that 8 year old I just saw throw one at my window got someone else to buy for him....I was in a shop the other day and a 5 year old was buying a pack of matches...wonder what he wanted them for?!! They throw them in gardens, put them in wheelie bins...A friend of mine lost his dog when some kids tied a firework to the dog's tail and it exploded, killing the dog instantly. Old people get them pushed through their letterboxes too.

I hate them!!! why don't they just stop selling them to the public altogether? They could just have big organised displays. With Diwali, Eid and Bonfire night all falling in the same week, they could have a massive display in the city to cover all 3 events and that would be a huge community thing bringing all those different cultures together to celebrate....


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