Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Who ate all the Pi's

Today is Pi day.

I am not a mathematician in any way shape or form but I thought it was quite funny that they have actually given today it's title because of the date.
It is the 14th of March. Here in the UK we write it like this 14/3 but if you are in the states you write it like this 3.14 hence the relation to the mathematical.
From Wikipedia.....

Pi Day

March 14, written 3-14 in the USA date format, is an unofficial celebration for Pi Day derived from the common three-digit approximation for the number π: 3.14. It is usually celebrated at 1:59 PM (in recognition of the six-digit approximation: 3.14159). Some, using a twenty-four-hour clock rather than a twelve hour clock, say that 1:59 PM is actually 13:59 and celebrate it at 1:59 AM or 3:09 PM (15:09) instead. Parties have been held by the mathematics departments of various schools around the world.

This day has been celebrated in a variety of ways. Groups of people, such as math or science based clubs, might gather to consider the role that the number π has played in their lives and imagine the world without π. During such an event, pi celebrants may devise alternative values for π, eat pi (pie), play pi (piñata), drink pi (Piña Colada), eat pi (Pineapple) or watch π (Pi (film)). Enthusiasts also note that the day happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday. It's also curious to note that the renowned science and technology university MIT, known as widely for its unconventional, quirky take on math as for its extremely high academic standards and low acceptance rates, often mails out its acceptance letters to be delivered to prospective freshmen on Pi Day.

The "ultimate" pi day[1] occurred on March 14th, 1592, at 6:53 AM and 59 seconds. When written in American-style date format, this is 3/14/1592 6:53.59, which corresponds to the first twelve digits of pi: 3.14159265359 (rounded of course). However, considering this was well before any kind of standardized world time had been established, and the general public had no concept of π, the occurrence likely went unnoticed[2].

To celebrate this unique day Why not get yourself a special momento.

Lil' Goodies Pi doodles

Lil' Goodies Ode to Einstein

Lil' Goodies Geeks

Rotem Gear Luscious Pi

Lots of Pi

Or how about some Pi day Games
Or some Pi day songs

Everything to make March 14th a fun Maths day!!!
Have a great time!!


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