Tuesday - A very nice man, A very very nice man
We got up Tuesday morning and it was a gorgeous day. The sky was Blue the Sun was out and it seemed that the wind had died down a bit.
Ange decided that it was too good a day to waste and suggested that we all get in the car and take a trip to Scarbro. So we all piled into the 7-seater. DS and me in the back then DD sandwiched in between the 2 little ones and their car seats in the middle. Once we were all ready Rob turned on the ignition and...nothing. There was this clicking noise but apart from that nothing else happened. He tried a couple of times but it was no use the battery was completely dead.
So it was all out again and the AA had to be called.
Eventually the very nice AA man found the problem and sorted it but he said that in order to charge the battery fully, the car would have to be running for 45 minutes. Ange and Rob decided it was worth still going to Scarborough as otherwise the whole day would be wasted. So off we went.
I was surprised how close to Scarborough we were, it seemed to take no time at all to get there which was a good job really as we only had a couple of hours as Ange would have to get back to the camp-site to queue up for a table for the evening.
We did have a good couple of hours walking along the front and going into all the arcades which were highly superoir to the ones in the camp or even in Filey. We got rid of a lot of 2ps. We also sampled some of the local fish. I decided to buy a fresh Crab salad sandwich for me supper later and Ange bought a little variety plate of Cackles, mussels, crab stix and shrimps. The best part of going to the seaside for me is the huge array of fresh shellfish.
Of course I can't mention Scarborough without mention my favourite attraction of all...

I had kind of planned that I wouldn't stay long in the club that evening. If I am honest, I didn't want to miss CSI on the TV so I planned to stay till 10 and then go back to the caravan for teh TV but I seemed to be enjoying myself so much that I didn't realise the time go by and ended up staying till the end again.
The best thing about the show nights was that you could nip out and have a go on the arcades if you were getting bored. I must have poured loads of money into those machines but it passed the time.
When we got back to the caravan I had my gorgeous Crab salad sandwich for me supper as I had planned and it was most enjoyable. I couldn't wait to get back to get more...although I haven't even mentioned the fish man that comes round the club each night...
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