Monday, November 06, 2006

Wednesday, Wednesday Wednesday

Wednesday turned out to be one of the most miserable days of our holiday. It was raining heavily all day and the wind was horendous.
I got up early and decided to go for the paper and some Bread and Milk. It was a battle and I came back wet and windswept. As with all mornings once DNiece heard me moving around, she was up and about with me. It made me laugh how she would carry all her blankets and her cup and teddies with her too and as with most mornings she went in the fridge and helped herself to a Cheesestring, had a couple of bites and left it lying on the floor.

This was actually one of the worst days of the week. I had exhausted the excitement of the arcades and other than that there wasn't much else to do on a wet day. I found it really hard to look enthusiastic. Added to that it seemed that my sister was getting a bit fed up of us being around. We all sat in the restaurant as they had some lunch and she told me their plans for the rest of the day were to go back and shower before going out to the club so I thought I would give them some space and stay away from the caravan for a few hours...Easier said than done as I said there wasn't too much to do.
We sat around a bit but I couldn't stand it much longer so I just had to go back to the caravan to get warmed up.

The weather didn't get any better, if anything it was getting worse - added to fact that DS had forgotten to bring a coat on holiday with him and he had pnly brought a pair of trainers that were falling apart so every minute out in the rain meant he got absolutely drenched with squelchy feet too.

I had bought some pasties from the camp shop in the morning so once the others had gone off to the club, I cooked some pasta and noodles and we had those with the pasties for tea. DS wanted to go up to the club so he took DD's coat because she wanted to stay back with me.
I did think in the back of my head that if the rain died off I would take a walk up there later but it never did so Me and DD had a quiet night in.


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