Saturday, May 20, 2006

Celebrity 2-word tango

Well Friday started exceptionally well. (Before you ask no ASDA isn't sorted!!)
The Chris Moyles show must have been one of the funniest for ages (Certainly since OBW)

After the kids went off to school I decided to go lie in bed to listen to the last half of The Breakfast show. Not particularly to sleep but just because I couldn't be bothered to start working yet.
One of the funniest features that pops up from time to time is Celebrity 2-word tango. It is a game they nicked from Dick and Dom in da bungalow and is a perfect game for late night drinkers.
They play a little bit of music that has little gaps in it and the game is to say the celeb name in the gaps. Thing is as you go round, the music gets faster and faster and it is harder to think on your feet. You can't repeat what someone else says or you are out and if you fail to name someone that is the end of the game.

Today they were coming up with alternatives to Celebrity names. Chris decided he wanted to do certain topics. They had Footballers; Actors; Football grounds; Jeremy Kyle shows; famous horses.
I was laughing so hard that my sides and my face were hurting for the rest of the day not to mention the tears streaming down my face. I have just been listening again and now my face is really aching again...

You can get an idea of the game by looking on the site for previous times that they have played the game.


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