Doctor Whooo-ooo, Hey! Doctor Who...

I awoke this morning at just after 9am to hear that Chris Moyles had Billie Piper on the show. This suddenly reminded me that we still haven't seen last weeks episode and there is a new one tomorrow.
We missed last weeks episode because I wanted to see the Soccer aid footie game England Vs The rest of the World (England won that by the way!!!!)
We then missed the repeat on Sunday as I was out so planned to watch tonight...However, I have just found out today that you can watch repeats of certain shows ON DEMAND with NTL. So all this week, we could have actually watched Dr Who at any time when there was nothing else on.
This has actually made this evening a lot easier though as we can watch the gorgeous Mr Tennant and Ms Piper before X-Factor starts and I don't have to stress about recording it upstairs again.
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