"I've been on your website""WHAT?!"
So many times I have travelled across the country staying in hotels and meeting up with people to go see Alistair doing gigs but this weekend was a new experience.
Nik and I travelled down to Gloucester to see the Wonderful JK and Joel at
Liquid Diva doing what they do best.
I got on my train at 3.38pm and quickly realised that Nik was getting on the same train when it got to Birmingham. That made it a lot better journey (For me anyway) as sometimes I would be on these long trains journeys on my own and totally lose track of what I am doing there. I had to pretend to have a child with me.
When booking the tickets, I couldn't find any decent cheap prices but if I used my family railcard, I could get an adult and child for £5 less than a full adult ticket. I felt a bit stupid pretending that my son was
"In the toilet" for the whole journey though LOL
Now, didn't I say after Sheffield that I shouldn't be trusted to organise anything? Well here's more proof. Got to Gloucester and I hadn't taken the address for the Guest house we were staying in. I had to phone my sister and she had to look it up on the internet for me. Then I went to cash machine to get money only to find there wasn't any. So no drinking for me which was a let-down...
When we got to the guest house it was clear to see why it was so cheap but as we weren't going to be there much it was fine. 2 beds, a toilet, a shower and a sink is all you need really. We lounged a while until we finally got round to getting ready.
We had a bit of a false start as we arrived at the club a bit too early so decided to go find a bar to sit in.
Great choice as they were playing great (Gay Disco) music. We sat in there until about 10.30 when we made our way back over to the club. The queueing rope was up now and the bouncers were checking IDs. First funniest moment of the night for me. Bouncer holds his hand out to me, then looks at my face and lets me straight through...obviously my face is showing signs of aging LOL
We were in Diva and it wasn't a bad little club at all. This is the upstairs bit of the club where they play the CHEESY SHIT (JK and Joel's words not mine) this is all the 80s 90s and early 00s stuff. There was a bit of Tiffany; Wham; Backstreet boys; 5ive; Peter Andre - You know all the usual stuff...
It seemed like forever until it was time for the boys. I swear I must have asked how long to go about every 5 minutes.
Finally it was time. We got ourselves a good place near the DJ booth and waited as the resident DJ kept teasing us...The first time I noticed they were there was when I actually saw Suzanne (which frankly pissed me off as I had said to Nik earlier I wondered if she would go but i didn't expect her to actually be there!)
OMG, the shakes really took hold as It sunk in that here we were and there they were, right in front of us...JK and Joel, in the same building and right in front of us!
It became obvious that Joel was slightly enibriated and so JK was doing all the work and Joel was basicly just pissing about.
There was lots of banter between the 2 and the crowd.
Joel declared that JK's dad is a Brazilian and he has put money on Brazil to win the World cup - JK said that his dad is not a brazilian but a Gippo.
JK kept trying to get the crowd to make some noise if they think Joel's gay!...Well that is just darn rude LOL so I stayed silent at that point.
He also kept Shouting
"You fat Bastard" which I also disagree with as Joel is nowhere near fat...how can you call that fat?!!!

He is just lovely...
Joel spent a lot of time standing up on the DJ booth and at one point he started just wandering round the club.
After a while Nik decided it was time to test out her theory that Joel would give good hugs. She went up to the booth and poked him and he turned round and if you ask me that hug went on for ages... Then she told him I wanted a hug too... He looked at me and pointed and said "I've been on your website" "
What?!" Nik and I looked at each other. Joel said something to JK and then started to open the door into the booth. JK shouted something to him and he shut the door but then he was shouting something at JK and pointing to me. I was starting to feel quite uncomfortable especially as Suzanne was stood there looking at me too. We decided this would be a good time to move away from the booth.
The rest of the set is a bit of a blur. Nik took lots of pics and we danced a lot until they said they were playing their last song. I couldn't even remember what it was. After they left we went round to find out where they went and found them in the VIP room. Great because it was behind a glass wall so we could stand and watch them. Nik tried her best to get the security man/woman/bouncer to let us in but apparently you could only go in if you know them. So we had to be content with watching them from outside. At one time somebody (Probably Joel) spilt a drink...the girl brought in a mop and Joel took it and carried on mopping the floor. At another point Joel ran to the end of the room (where we were stood) and lay on his back...Yes we didn't understand either.
Eventually the boys had to come out to leave and when they did, Joel came straight over to us. He gave Nik a lovely big hug then turned to me. He gave me a hug too and said the same as he had before. I asked him "Which website?" and he started going on about
MySpace...How shockingly weird. I was hoping It would be a while before I would gain a stalker tag but how spooky that here I am never having met him before yet he recognised me from my Myspace profile straight away... So then he started talking about MySpace and how he can't work out what to do. He did this cute hand motion of using a keyboard to illustrate.
We got more hugs then he kissed us both before he left...WOW!!!! that point I think both of us could just have passed out there and then.
I always had to ask Alistair for a kiss but Joel didn't need to be askedhttp://jen1.fotopic.net/c932691.htmlJust had to add that I remembered they started the set with The Killers Somebody told me and ended it with The Killers Mr Brightside